Monday, September 21, 2009

The Problem with Blogging is...

...everyone knows what's going on in my world at all times and therefore, cease calling, emailing or most forms of communication, because, after-all, they know what's going on with me. I'm not bitter, I'm just saying.

It's almost been a week since my last entry, and I realize some of you - okay, maybe one of the ten people that actually read this thing- have been thinking, "What is up with her?" So, this entry is not very artsy- it's more, "Here's what is going on in my world-y."

Well, I decided I need a job so, I've been a little busy running around to-and-fro and hither-and-thither. "Hi, here's me. Here's me on paper. I'd love to work here. I love this job. I need to work here. I need this job." I was discussing with a friend how interviewing sucks the life out of me like nothing else. You go in, meet. Meet with someone else for another thirty minutes. Leave. Get a call. Go in the next day. Meet someone else. And then never hear back from them. I mean, I can tell you this person's mother's name, their favorite restaurant in the city and where they vacationed in June, and they don't call again. When I first moved here and went on interviews I thought this was a good thing, to leave a business feeling like you have a new best friend. Now, I realize it's part of the deal. My friend says it's like dating.

And my mother-in-law is in town, keeping us very busy. Chris and I decided that the longer we are here, the easier it has become for guests to wear us out. Whereas the city used to energize me, it now drains me when I go all day long. 8:30AM- 10:30PM- We hit the city. The new things I experienced were the High Line -a unique park that just opened this season, a sunset boat ride around Manhattan and Burn the Floor on Broadway. I do love the city in the Fall--- which begins tomorrow!

So, I did accept a receptionist position that I will start on Sept. 28th. I'm looking forward to seeing family and friends in Texas in October. As well as eating good salsa, getting a haircut for a reasonable amount and meeting a couple of new babies! In other news, I got warts cut off my chin today, had a coffee/chocolate flavored cupcake for breakfast, and overheard a woman on my bus having a conversation with her mother. They were headed to the doctor where she would find out the sex of her baby.

I promise to be more creative tomorrow.

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