Passover week is intense. And since I've joined the church I am with here in NYC, I've really delve into what it's all about- the week leading up to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
Our church does a Good Friday Service- Tenebrae. In Texas only Catholic churches held Good Friday services, as far as I know, and the word Tenebrae itself was an entirely new word in my vocabulary. The music we have been rehearsing is somber, reflective, INTENSE. (I know I said this earlier, but it really is.)
So we look forward to Good Friday, knowing that he rose again and we are covered by his mercy & love. We are who we are- we can have peace in life knowing we are children of a King- because of this very event. It's easy to get bogged down in the heaviness of Christ's death. I mean- it's necessary to "go there" to visit the cross and remember what he DID for us, for love. But, I have to remind myself that he's alive today as I sing "..it was my sin that held him there, until it was accomplished. His dieing breath has brought me life, I know that it is finished.." And when we all leave in the dark, in silence, the piercing pulse of hammering ringing in our ears- we know he rose again. I have to remind myself....
I do not however want to confuse depravity & unworthiness with self-loathing. And I do not want to misinterpret selfish pride for the confidence we can have to approach the throne of grace. (Ah, the fine line that I seem to walk, God forgive me.) I know, the more we walk with him and the more time we spend with him the more our lives reflect Him.
So, tonight is rehearsal, tomorrow night is rehearsal, Friday I will sing in two Tenebrae services with my choir peeps. Saturday is the Half Marathon. And Sunday- HE IS RISEN- and Chris and I both will be singing on the praise team for both services. I'm actually not stressed, burdened down, or looking at all of this with a sense of dread and "what have I gotten myself into." I AM HAPPY I get to be a part of all of these things for his glory.
Chris is on Spring Break presently. I am off work Friday & this weekend is supposed to be gorgeous! I am not feeling 100% but I walked to the train today for the first time since last Thursday. Last night I spent some time in the hot tub and I would have liked to get on the stationary bike last night and/ or this morning. But Dr. Chris Chambers would NOT let me. (I have to live with this man, so I do not want upset him!) Seriously, he just wants me well.
At this point I am pretty sure I could walk 13.1 miles on Saturday. BUT, I don't want to walk, I WANNA RUN! Maybe I can walk/jog. Heat-ice-stretch-rest. This will be my routine until then. And can I just say, resting is necessary and good, but it goes against all that is within me.
Isaiah 30:15 & 18
"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion.For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!
Romans 8:18- I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
He has bigger plans. I know he does. Just look at the cross. There could be no resurrection without a crucifixion. That would have NEVER been my plan.