I'm looking forward to this weekend more than I've looked forward to a weekend in quite awhile, because it's supposed to be in the 50's!!! I truly hope that Mr. Weatherman has this one right, because I'm in desperate need of some outdoors- some aimless wandering in the park and window shopping up and down Third Avenue.
I just realized how funny it is that on March 5th in Texas I could wear a skirt and kitten heels sans tights and today I have on a sweater dress with the SAME cardigan that I have on in this photo, tights, wool socks and boots. This morning there were snow flurries whipping through the air.
So, I didn't mention a very exciting thing that happened but, Chris and a friend of his were able to retrieve my iPod from the treadmill Wednesday night. And it still works- even if it does have a few more scratches. So, the story goes something like this:
When I arrived home Wednesday night Chris and two friends were watching TV, watching video games (as it appeared to me- they were watching the video game, not actually playing it) and drinking Budweiser. So, we are all talking, and I'm laughing at them talk about work, students, and life. I mentioned to Chris that I had received another donation for the 1/2 Marathon- this time $50. Then, one of Chris's friends began asking us about the race, why we were doing it etc. So, at 11:00PM, after I don't know how many beverages, one fine fellow announces that a half marathon is "nothing" it's "easy" even. "I've run like twenty marathons," he declares.
This was news to all three of us. Chris has worked with this guy for three years now, and never got that "I'm really into being fit and care about my body" impression from him. So, we are all laughing at him, which is probably when he decides to say, "I could run a 1/2 Marathon tomorrow. It's really not that hard." I'm thinking to myself- What?? So of course, boys being boys, Chris asks, "Why wait until tomorrow, why not right now? There is a treadmill downstairs."
This is when it got a bit over-the-top. The next thing I know, the fellow is wearing a pair of Chris's running shorts, and Chris and the other guy are offering him $100 each if he can run 13 miles right then and there. "We won't even worry about the .1 if you can do 13 miles," Chris blurts out. Within seconds the three guys are out the door.
I expected to hear them come back in within ten to fifteen minutes but it was close to 3:00AM when the front door opened. This guy, untrained, barefooted, drunk, ran 13 miles at midnight and got $200 in the process. But, I got my iPod back too, since Chris had time to kill, sitting in a deserted gym- so the way I see it we didn't really loose $100- since we returned my new iPod and armband, which totalled over $200 anyway.
But now I'm wondering why those four miles I ran last night at 7:30 were really that hard. Because, they felt a little hard.
Life is fun. And funny, and I'm thankful today for a husband who is a little silly and a little extreme and a lot of what I need. His easygoing approach to life keeps me in check!

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