I love the book and the animated film. The way the caterpillar billows, "Whoooo are youuuu?" and that creepy Cheshire Cat's glowing moon of a smile. And that Queen with all of her girth. I really can't wait to see the movie this weekend.
And just for those that are wondering- it is not Spring in New York City yet. It's still winter, it's still in the 30's when I step out the door to go to work in the morning and when I return home. I am still wearing my sleeping bag of a coat. Tights are still required as well as scarves and gloves. In spite of the many, bare "summer legs"(as Chris likes to call them) I have seen today alone, it is not warm enough to parade up and down the sidewalks in peep-toes and stocking-less feet. It's winter. Just because Banana Republic has chinos in their window displays and Easter candy is in abundance at CVS and Origins is offering their newest shade of lip gloss- Sizzling Summer- it ain't warm yet, so put the cashmere back on!
I hear/ read that today in Texas it is 68, and even though I prefer where I am now, I must admit I would love a little 68 degrees for just a few hours. Saturday I WILL RUN outside. Yes, I will. Yesterday, in between work and choir rehearsal I went by the running store and bought some warm running wear- which I know I can wear well into Spring. That stuff is expensive you guys and I'd much rather buy running shorts. But, as much as it hurt to drop $40 on running pants I know I will get good use out of them. I also got a fabulous Adidas hoodie/ sweat whisking/ zipper-front jacket. I love that it is white and lime green and that it was on sale and it has those holes in the sleeves (by the wrists) where your thumbs can go through. That is so cool. I hope this running thing sticks- after the 1/2 marathon. I'm enjoying it more and more. But I still got my curves. Why is it that the boobies get smaller, but the saddlebags- they are consistent?
Yesterday after I left work my day got much better. From 6pm-midnight about a million things happened and lots of laughs were had and stories were told and I lived a really good life from 6pm-midnight. Even walking through Grand Central Station to my train after work I heard someone yell out, " Hey, S.A." and I knew it was Shirley. She calls me S.A. for Stefani Ann and I call her S.A. for Shirley Ann. But we say it with a Spanish accent, so it sounds more like "ese." I think it's hilarious that when I heard this hollered through GCS I knew it was intended for me, a white girl in ballet flats.
After a great choir rehearsal, I had wine and celebrated with friends and when I got home at 10:30pm Chris had a couple of guys over, and they never cease to make me laugh. I'm thankful for late nights and funny stories and all that is peculiar in life from time to time.
If I believed in astrology I might say it had to do with the Earth's rotation or the gravitational pull or the heaviness & anticipation of the coming of Spring felt in all living things right now. I don't really know, but when people in a close community are going through the same things- emotions, changes, hindrances, Big Bad Dark voices of the past- all within a few days of each other, I think it's a God thing. I think that's why two bottles of Merlot and prayer with people who know me well are necessary from time to time; in order to live a more abundant life than simply staying afloat.
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