Sunday, March 21, 2010


I love getting packages in the mail, who doesn't. But even more-so since we've moved so far away from so many people we love, packages are just fabulous. Candies, or books, or special treats from home: Texas wines and homemade salsas!

But, last week I got a birthday box from one of my favorite stores, Anthropologie! I also got a gift card to get that bright blue sundress with a big wide sash. AND--- a big tote bag full of wonderful goodies and reading material & makeup and... too, too much stuff!

Birthdays are the best. Previously to moving to NYC we lived in Tyler and I felt terribly lucky that my birthday coincided with the beautiful Azalea Trails; like all those flowers were just for me. I spent several birthdays wondering through the tulips and daffodils and azaleas lining those brick streets.

This birthday is a milestone. Another decade, and usually, I'm pretty secretive about my birthday. I don't tell people; if they know they know, if they don't they don't. I don't expect anything, or want to be acknowledged with some email or bulletin board notice. However, this year I'm mentioning to people- not annoyingly so, but in passing. I even altered my Facebook profile to show that my birthday is March 23rd- and proudly added the year.

In addition to these gifts I received coupons in my Yahoo inbox for free ice-cream at Ben and Jerry's and at Cold Stone Creamery from signing up for the "Birthday Club." (Ain't no shame, free is free!) And Starbucks will also be giving away FREE PASTRIES with the purchase of any beverage on March 23rd as well.

So- the weekend wrapped up fabulously. Saturday started with a ten mile run in Central Park. I felt so strong and well-prepared for the half marathon when Chris and I headed home. We had a high protein lunch and then I headed out. OUTSIDE into the sun where I met a friend and her roommate at Union Square. Five hours, a frappacino and with one big floppy sun-hat in tow, I headed home only after the sun had hidden behind the buildings. I also bought.... a LBD.

Do you know what that is?

Chris did not.

Little Black Dress.
AND I love it. I'm wearing to my birthday dinner with Chris & probably to a pasta dinner/ event/ fundraiser on Friday night.

It's going to be a wonderful week. Welcome Spring! Thank You, Jesus for Life.

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