My head has been swimming all morning. Well, since about 9:03AM when I was spoken at and not to. When I was told "I want" and "You will" and told to "not change the subject" when I tried to inquire why or how or where this entire conversation was coming from.
Some people are extremely hard to communicate with. Work with. Deal with day in and day out.
My head immediately began throbbing, my ears burning and all I wanted to do was pick up my purse and walk out the door. Even now, hours later I'm physically affected by the emotional bullying that I have to deal with... eight hours a day, five days a week. This person is just mean. Period. To anyone at any given time- you might be the next victim in the attack. I doesn't matter who you are or what you know; she has more knowledge and a better way to do any given thing. You are dumb. End of discussion.
I just hate being talked to like a ten year old. Like a child. Like an invalid. Like someone not qualified to do the job I do--- and do it well for that matter. I do not bark commands at people, I ask. I talk to people. I inquire. And it's hard being pushed around. It's not even every day, but you never know when it might just come tumbling down on you.
I wonder if it's because she ate an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's last night and feels guilty. Did her sister call and yell at her this morning on the phone? Man troubles? Did she forget her medication? Or is she just a black soul, selfish and vile and full of hate. I think she's never been loved well. She's never been taught or shown or believed in anything outside of what she can see and touch.
It's really a sad thing, and I shouldn't take it personally, because it's not- but today is a one of those days when enough is enough. I'd rather be jobless than have to face this face ever again.
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