Monday, December 5, 2011

Texas Run Down...

Here are some pictures of how we spent SOME of our time in Texas.

Momma and me, Thanksgiving day. We had an amazing meal that my mom prepared 100% of. She loves to cook and we love to eat so it works out well.

Chris and I rode motorcycles with my dad. What an amazingly free feeling. I miss it.

This is a picture my brother John took from underneath the trestle. The tiny people way up in the air are LB & I and Chris- toting his obnoxiously long walking stick. He looked like Moses leading the way. I was more afraid of tumbling to my death.

This was one of our many modes of transportation during our trip in Texas. In the back of the truck my father-in-law let us borrow were huge bags of cow feed. The funny thing is that every time we'd drive by the Texas Longhorn cattle that get fed the before mentioned feed.... they'd come running across the pasture, recognizing the hum of this particular gray Ford, expecting food.

Chris and I both did alot of reading and journaling during our week away. This is Chris sitting on my sisters and brother-in-law's back porch.

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