I realized it's been quite some time since I've written so, I just wanted to check in. I find myself with nothing but time & nothing to fill it with right now.
I'm working on December 23rd and it is, as expected, quiet around here. I've read two book excerpts this morning, which I had been saving for such an opportunity as this. Two non-fiction pieces including: the first two chapters of
Girlbomb and a short story from David Sedaris's book
Santaland Diaries. Nothing like reading some great non-fiction to get me in the writing mood.
I've listened to my
Elf Soundtrack and have now moved on to Harry Connick Jr.s'
When My Heart Finds Christmas. I've even played a few rounds of
Angry Birds, which I'm sad to admit I've slowly become addicted to. However, I have not been successful at beating the current level I'm stuck on this morning. And since I've discovered
Angry Birds Seasons... forget about it. I have been staying up late into the night playing this game. Not reading. Not engrossed in a movie, but playing this silly game on my android phone. Chris has told me that Angry Birds is not a real video game, (Whew... I was worried!). And he's also threatened to take the game off my phone if I blurted out, "Die! Die!" one more time. I can see his point.
While seeking to avoid the mounds of holiday treats that continue to spill into our office daily from vendors, contractors and clients- I've been thinking about what I want to set out to accomplish in 2011. While I'm competitive, hard headed, reliable, dedicated and an overachiever- sometimes I'm not so great at setting goals. If I set a goal I have to be honest with myself about where I'm at currently. I have to admit to myself that in order to get to Point B, or even Point C--- that I am
only at Point A.
For example, it took me years to come up with a simple plan for my finances. I had accumulated a little debt, but because I never wanted to be honest with myself and I wasn't proud of where I was, I just ignored it. I didn't want to face the truth - even though without being transparent I could never set a plan in place, much less be free of the burden. I just remained ignorant and didn't have to deal with it.
Same thing with writing. Or journaling. Or reading. These are things I love to do, but don't set aside time to do. So, in 2011 I'm going to be honest with myself so that where I need to change I will.
For instance, I want to read ALOT more in 2011. So, I've collected three books from the library to spend some time with next week while I'm off work and I've requested one more. Exciting NY life I lead, I know!
In addition to reading, I want to get a few other things done over the Dec. 24- Jan. 2 break that Chris and I will have.
1. I want to cut my hair. Or trim it. Or color it. But people says, "No. It looks fine." But I'm bored, and everyone else is always doing things to their hair! So, a lady at work tells me, "Wear pink lipstick instead of red. Viola. Change! Your a beautiful girl, don't mess with your hair." Gee Whiz.
2. Do some winter "getting rid of stuff." I read on a friends blog that her goal was to purge 100 items from her home during her Christmas break. I like the idea. I may not have 100 items like a typical East Texas home might, but I can find 50 things that I don't need, right?
3. Spend LESS time in the kitchen! As much as I love to cook, I want to spend less time in there over the next ten days. A culinary sabbatical if you will. I'm sure Chris and I will bake some fish or make a huge breakfast one morning, but overall, I want to not be cooking all break. (But I do love to cook!) Speaking of, I got my recipes all in order in a beautiful binder my mom gave me when I was in Texas for Thanksgiving. And then, my sister spent countless hours typing up all mom's recipes and emailed them to me. So, after I organized, sorted and rearranged, I have all my childhood recipes and favorites all in one place. It makes me so happy because I've wanted something like this for quite some time.
4. Go buy Chris a new reversible belt and some new Tommy Hilfiger boxers (it's a long story-- a blog in itself really, the story of Chris and his underwear, but I'll spare you the details now). Chris and Tommy Hilfiger have been together longer than Chris and Stefani. And trust me-- he'll only wear Tommy, I've tried.
5. Go see a movie. (If you know me, you know, this is HUGE) I really want to see
Black Swan, so I think I will just go see it.
6. Finally decide on a photo to send into
Canvas on Demand to utilize my gift card!
7. And possibly... give painting a whirl. My sister recently started painting- although both of my sisters are much better artists than I am. They paint, draw, sketch beautifully. I can't do that, so I write. BUT, my youngest sister has done two really nice pieces that I got to see over Thanksgiving, and after talking with her, I think I will see just what I can do. I'm too intimidated and afraid I'll mess up- which I've got to get over!
I hope to be posting over the holiday break- but Merry Christmas to you all! (As Liz Lemon says on
30 Rock- "We don't say Happy Holidays. That is what terrorist say.") Actually, I'm just Christian, from the South, and little ignorant and alot proud so I say,
Merry Christmas. Like I did on the phone this morning to a client I'm 100% sure is a practicing Jew. (True Story. Whoops!)